Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

Remember  the quote “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country?” In typing class the quote was used to practice keyboard skills.  The faster you learned to type the letters, the more likely you were to snag a secretarial job.  In the process of  learning to type quickly, the quote was committed to memory.

Patriots need to reach into their memory pool to pull out  the quote, dust off the words, and shout the quote to fellow citizens: “Now is the time for all good men  to come to the aid of their country! ” It is a desperate plead for help in the 11th hour. Standing shoulder to shoulder,  patriots have a chance to block the governmental encroachment on personal rights that is taking place on a daily basis.

 Sadly, the call  may be too late. However, the American spirit is not to be underestimated. If the call to action is heeded, enemies of the Constitution may find themselves facing angry patriots instead of sheeple who follow along blindly to the luring sounds of utopian pipes.

“Nothing  you see happening in our country today is just ‘Left-Wing insane legislation,’ ” says Savant Noir, a history scholar who acknowedges the insdious dismantling of individual rights hidden in an agenda. “It is, in fact, brilliantly executed. The powers in control know exactly what they are doing and they’re doing it at breakneck speed. While people have been yakking about ‘conspiracies’ for years, or while they waste their time with the latest sensation or hyperbole, this agenda has been marching forward uncontested and unimpeded.” Patriots must become aware of the policies within our country that fall under the category of an overall plan to destroy our way of life while proclaiming it is “sustaining” life.

What is it?

According to Navant Noir it falls under the ostensive concept of  saving our planet.

“It is the outcome of the Earth Summit, organized around the concept of  ‘climate change,’ man’s impact on the environmental resources and the organic biosphere. It is currently getting notoriety as the United Nation’s Framework for Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC), which is the Treaty which legally binds all nations to Agenda 21.”

The influx of  anti-Constitutional concepts that originated over forty years ago have been embraced through “friendly” implementation in our country since 1992, when Bush signed the “Sustainable Development”  program called Agenda 21.  In 1993, by executive order, Clinton signed into law the President’s Council of Sustainable Development to further the implementation of Agenda 21.

What is Agenda 21?

 Tune your ear to local, national and international policy changes that use buzz words such as “sustainable,”  “equity” or “global.”  The words are the  mantra of policies sweeping through our country via platforms of  organizations, not necessarily from citizen voting power.

The bills presently being pushed through Congress such as Cap and Trade and Health Care Reform are riddled with Agenda 21 verbage. “The language in of all these massive bills are straight out of Agenda 21. Just by reading the 44 chapter titles of this document would give one a good understanding of what is going on if they are politically aware enough to  connect the dots,” says Savant Noir.

Agenda 21 is aimed at supporting big government take over of private property rights, medical freedom, education, and economic well being. The Constitution guarantees citizens freedom to control government; Agenda 21 guarantees government control of the citizens. The policies of Agenda 21 are enemies of the framework of our government precisely because they seize government control over individual rights. Sadly, many citizens don’t understand the importance of the Constitutional guarantees and will probably be blind until their personal land is seized, their personal water supply is diminished or cut off, or their kindergarten child is taught about homosexualism.

“Sustainable development” is another word for governmental land grab leading to robbing Americans of their private properties in the name of saving the environment. “Sustainable Medicine”  is a little more personal because it’s a grab of  citizens’ healthcare including grandma’s right to live.  These policies are justified by buzz words such as: “global equity, “common good “or “environmental stewardship.” Ostensively reasonable words on the surface, aren’t they? They have pervaded our society. “Global warming,” “Universal healthcare,” “Global governance,” “Global citizenship,” and “Global monetary system'” are used openly.

 International concern for the well being of the United States is making nervous allies from other countries speak out.

President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic says,”The environmentalists speak about saving our planet. We have to ask–from what? And from whom? I think I know [those answers] for sure. We have to save the planet, and us, from them.”   (Pete Chagnon, One World News Now 3/9/09)

Dr. Richard Lindzen, an MIT professor, says, “I think [there is] one point you should notice as one discusses the science, and that is that global warming alarm–as far as I can tell– has always been a politcal movement, a highly organized one, and although it took me a while to realize this, opposing it has been an uphill battle.” ( ibid) Why is it an uphill battle? Because Chicago thug tactics of ridicule, erroneous  data, or pay-offs are used to quiet dissent.

Sound familiar?

Time to act, Patriots. Get the Garlic, Crucifix, tea party and votes warmed up to stop Agenda 21 which is an implementation of a plan to dismantle individual sovereignty, state sovereignty and finally, the sovereignty of the United States.

Just as vampires suck  blood, so big government sucks private land, money, education, health and individual rights with one intent–to lead citizens to the utopia called The One World Government.

If  Patriots don’t come to the aid of their country NOW, they may become real live characters on the stage of life just like the fictional characters in bondage in Orwell’s 1984, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged or Huxley’s Brave New World.

“Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!”

For more information go to:

Published in: on October 27, 2009 at 9:23 pm  Comments (2)  
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